Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I just received my pencil sketch of my daughter & son-in-law's new house and it took my breath away! What a beautiful picture! I simply told the artist what I did and didn't want included in the sketch (I asked that electrical lines be eliminated, as well as the glimpse of the house next door not be in the picture), and voila! All those items were gone! I can't wait to get it framed! My only problem will be waiting till Christmas Day to give it to them! Thank you SO much for such a wonderful job! Kudos to the artists!!
M. Kerr
Plano, TX


Deborah Jo said...

I do SEAUNCE, give VISION!!!!!
Deborah Joe
610 Chateau Drive
Huntsville, Alabama 35801
$250,000.00 PER Shot!!!

Deborah Jo said...